You have various options for invasive diagnostic tests and screening tests for prenatal testing. Some of the common screening tests include non-invasive prenatal testing, ultrasound, and carrier screening whereas, CVS and amniocentesis are the common diagnostic tests.
Invasive prenatal testing has high accuracy rates in detecting genetic disorders such as Down syndrome and Patau syndrome. However, you must also consider the fact that it is not 100% precise.
Yes, miscarriage is the major risk of CVS and amniocentesis since it is a highly invasive test procedure. The tests which are done before 15 weeks of pregnancy increase the chances of miscarriage more.
You must undertake invasive prenatal testing if you have the risk of transferring any Mendelian disorder to the fetus. Additionally, if any structural anomalies have been detected during ultrasound then also the doctor may recommend prenatal testing.
No, ultrasounds are generally painless and non-invasive that only pass high-frequency sound waves to the fetus. This helps in recording and imaging the fetus to check its health conditions and movement.