Understanding The Impacts Of Menopause On Women’s Health

Understanding The Impacts Of Menopause On Women’s Health


As a woman crosses the age of 50, the ovaries stop producing the reproductive hormones. This as a result leads to the stoppage of the menstrual period which is called menopause. You must know that menopause is a natural process that every woman goes through. Remember that even before reaching menopause, you start experiencing certain perimenopausal symptoms which mainly happen due to less production of estrogen. If you are also approaching menopause and experiencing distressing physical symptoms then contact the top gynecologist in Siliguri.

Menopause is the point of your reproductive cycle when your ovaries stop releasing any eggs due to no production of estrogen. However, once you have reached the postmenopausal stage, you can experience various physical and emotional symptoms for years which sometimes can become difficult to bear. The menopausal symptoms mainly develop due to the low amount of estrogen which starts affecting your reproductive, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and most of the functioning of your body.

Common Health Complications Associated With Menopause

  • Sleep problems

During menopause, it is quite common to experience sleeping disturbances. Insomnia and night sweats are common symptoms that most women complain about. Due to lack of sleep, menopausal women often have less energy and suffer from fatigue throughout the day. It is vital to maintain consistent bed and wake-up times to reduce this disruption in the sleep-wake cycle.

  • Hormonal imbalance

During the menopausal phase, both progesterone and estrogen levels decrease abruptly. You must know that a proper amount of these hormones is necessary to maintain various bodily functions and due to the sudden drop, can trigger hormonal imbalance which can cause night sweats, hot flashes, mental health problems, and severe mood swings that can be either short or long term. In case of serious hormonal symptoms, don’t hesitate to consult a gynae doctor in Siliguri.

  • Signs of aging

When you reach menopause, the physical signs of aging start appearing and become more prominent. This mainly happens due to the decrease in collagen production which further leads to drier skin, thinner hair, and wrinkles. During this stage, you must take good care of your skin and hair while maintaining proper hydration levels to decrease the effects of menopause on your skin.

  • Mental health issues

While undergoing the menopausal period, many women start experiencing psychological challenges. The emotional and physical changes that you experience during menopause are the main reasons behind the magnified stress. During this stage, it is vital to develop a supportive network and focus on self-care to maintain your mental wellness.

  • High risk of cardiovascular issues

Remember that estrogen protects your blood vessels and heart but during menopause, the levels of estrogen decrease which further increases the chance of cardiovascular issues. You must know that women after menopause are more likely to experience stroke and heart disease. Reducing stress, following a healthy diet, and exercising are some effective ways you can keep your cardiovascular system healthy.

  • Weakened bones and bone loss

Menopause can also take a heavy toll on your musculoskeletal system as estrogen levels are essential to maintain bone density. As your estrogen level drops suddenly during the menopausal period, your bones become weak which can lead to osteoporosis and osteopenia. Due to increased bone loss during menopause, you also have a higher likelihood of experiencing fractures in the wrists, spine, and hips.

  • Vaginal discomfort

The reduction in estrogen due to menopause also has a significant impact on your vaginal lining and overall genital health. During the menopausal phase, you are more likely to experience various distressing vaginal abnormalities such as discomfort during intercourse, irritation, and dryness. Herein, the risks of urinary tract infections and urinary incontinence also increase abruptly.

While undergoing the menopausal stage, it is important for you to embrace this bodily change with a positive outlook and with medical assistance from the topgynecologist in Siliguri. Build a healthy lifestyle and undergo routine health assessments to maintain your overall well-being during menopause.

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