Changes In Your Body During Pregnancy: First To Third Trimester

Changes In Your Body During Pregnancy: First To Third Trimester


The feeling of having a new life inside your womb can be an exciting experience. During the pregnancy period, it is normal to feel overwhelmed, anxious and stressed at the same time as you will be going through major bodily changes and emotional ups and downs due to the fluctuations in hormone levels. To get the best prenatal care from the first trimester of your pregnancy, it is pivotal to contact a reputed gynae doctor in Siliguri

The body changes during pregnancy start from the first trimester and such changes can be noticeable even before you confirm the gestation. One of the most prominent changes that can be visible to everyone is the growth of your uterus. The size of this reproductive organ can indicate the time period of the pregnancy, where till the 12th week your uterus stays inside the pelvis but by the 36th week it reaches your rib cage.  

Physical Changes To Notice During The Trimesters 

The First Trimester 

The symptoms that you may experience during the first trimester are stoppage of menstruation, frequent urination, breast tenderness, nausea, tiredness, loss of appetite, constipation, weight gain, and indigestion. 

The Second Trimester 

The signs during the second trimester involve increased appetite, fetus movement, stretch marks, abdominal ache, swelling of the foot, darker skin near nipples, and enlargement of the abdomen. 

The Third Trimester 

Common symptoms to notice during the third trimester are sticking out of the navel, strong fetal movements, shortness of breath, colostrum leakage from the nipples, frequent urge for urination, and abdominal contractions. 

Month-Wise Changes Of The Fetus During Pregnancy 

1st-2nd Month (Weeks 1-8) 

After fertilization of the egg with sperm, the blastocyst implants in the uterine lining and starts developing into an embryo. During these months, the cardiac tissues, spine, brain, neural tube, inner ear, arm and leg buds, long tube, and some parts of the face start developing. 

3rd Month (Weeks 9-12) 

The cartilage of the feet, limbs, and hands starts developing where the head starts shaping. Breathing-like movements, eyelids, pancreas, and kidneys are also developing in these months after reaching the fetus development stage. 

4th Month (Weeks 13-16) 

All major organs of the fetus develop by week 13 and after that the bones start hardening and skin starts growing. The lower limbs, neck, and hearing ability also start developing with the proper functioning of limbs and lungs. 

5th Month (Weeks 17-20) 

The fetus starts hearing sounds by week 18 where some parts of the brain can also now control movements. On an ultrasound exam, the doctor can see the lips, ears, and nose of the fetus. By 20th week, the size of the fetus can be around 6 inches.

6th Month (Weeks 21-24) 

The turns and kicks of the fetus become stronger and the fetus can also suck their thumbs. The eyebrows and ridges start becoming visible and the lungs also develop properly. The fetus will grow around 12 inches by the end of this month. 

7th Month (Weeks 25-28) 

The fetus can recognize familiar sounds and the lungs become fully formed to work outside the uterus. More fat is developed in this month to keep the fetus warm while vernix also starts developing to protect the neonatal skin. 

8th Month (Weeks 29-32) 

The fetus can make more grasping motions and the eyes can also sense any changes in light. Herein, the bone marrow also functions properly and the fetus starts gaining weight quickly. By week 31, all major developments in the fetus are done. 

9th Month (Weeks 33-36) 

The brain starts growing rapidly, bone hardens, and more fat is developing. During this stage, the fingernails are also properly developed and the fetus starts coming to the head-down position. 

10th Month (Weeks 37-40)

The nervous system, lungs, and brain continue to develop, where the growth of the musculoskeletal and circulatory system is over. You can continuously feel fetal movements and by this month, the head of the fetus comes down in the pelvis area. 

It is normal to experience certain symptoms during your pregnancy but if the vomiting and morning sickness are becoming severe then you must contact a gynae doctor in Siliguri immediately. The doctor can also evaluate you and your baby’s health status to ensure proper growth and development.

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