4 Signs & Symptoms Of A High-Risk Pregnancy

4 Signs & Symptoms Of A High-Risk Pregnancy


Pregnancy for anyone can be a time full of joy, excitement, and anticipation but if good care isn’t taken during the pregnancy it can turn into high risk. A high-risk pregnancy puts the mother or the baby at increased risk of health problems before, during, or after delivery and it occurs in about 6 to 8% of all pregnancies.


You can have a normal pregnancy that may develop conditions that put you in the high-risk category but with the specialized care of a good fetal medicine specialist in Siliguriyou can still have a normal delivery. A high-risk pregnancy demands special home and medical care to have a healthy and successful pregnancy.


A high-risk pregnancy can be caused by many things as sometimes it can be caused by medical conditions present before or conditions that develop after pregnancy. Some specific causes that can contribute to making a pregnancy high risk are:


  • Advanced Age – as women over the age of 35 have an increased chance of getting a high-risk pregnancy.
  • Harmful Lifestyle – drinking too much, smoking, or using drugs can make a pregnancy high risk
  • Health Problems – health problems like high blood pressure, obesity, heart or blood disorders, infections, and other medical conditions can lead to a high risk.
  • Pregnancy Problems – different kinds of problems and complications that arise during pregnancy can make it a high-risk one.
  • Multiple Babies – as carrying more than one baby already brings a lot of complications it can also cause a high-risk pregnancy


Although a high-risk pregnancy is normally identified when you visit your healthcare provider for regular checkups and scans. Given below are the 4 symptoms of a high-risk pregnancy you need to look out for:


High Blood Sugar Levels


A high blood sugar level in your or any adult's body doesn't normally give clear symptoms unless it's abnormally high but for an unborn baby, even a slight change in those levels can lead to abnormalities in the baby.


Excessive Weight Gain 


Although weight gain is a normal part of the pregnancy if your weight increases by more than a kilogram in 15 days then it can be an indication of a problem. Regular visits accompanied by regular growth scans are recommended for healthy pregnancies.


Decreased Baby Movements 


It can be difficult to keep track of the baby's movements but it is important to keep a check on how much movement the baby getting. As getting a checkup after decreased movements can help prevents problems by early detection.


Vaginal Discharge 


Excessive amounts of vaginal discharge accompanied by foul smell or itching needs immediate treatment as it can cause infection of the uterus. This can be harmful to you and the baby and can make the pregnancy high-risk.


With proper care by a good fetal medicine specialist in Siliguriyou can have a normal and healthy pregnancy with fewer complications. If you have these signs and symptoms of high-risk pregnancy, early detection can be very useful and it can be treated without major complications.


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